Well here it is, my new Circle Family Tree Cushion.
I have seen these stylised trees around for a while now and love how modern they are. There is something very orderly about the perfect circle that appeals but then within that I am free to create whatever kind of crazy patterns I like.
Do you know how hard it is to create something that is random? Extremely is the answer. You can spend hours and drive yourself crazy swapping this one with that one and back again and agonizing over the difficult decision of 'Does the light or the dark orange button look better there?"
It takes extreme self control to say "Enough!" and wrap it up and send it on it's merry way although I love making up my boxes and carefully wrapping up my latest creation. There is something very satisfying about seeing my perfect little parcel all wrapped up and ready to go. That is my moment of smugness before the clean up begins. . . . . . . .